

33 Quinton brand road
Edenvale 1611



Honors in Information Technology from the University of Johannesburg
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from the University of Johannesburg


I currently make use of these technologies.
  • C#
  • .net framework and core
  • HTML
  • MVC
  • CSS
  • MS SQL
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • Azure
  • Entity
  • Native Android
  • Web API
  • REST protocols
  • Object orientated programming
  • Database management and IIS configuration
  • Version Control(GIT)
  • Microsoft office tools
  • Python
  • Java
  • C++
  • WCF
  • Soap
  • Assembly x86 architecture


Honors Information Technology Jan 2018 — Nov 2018

University of Johannesburg
In my Honours year of studies, I was exposed to many different technologies from many different fields such as information security, mobile programming, service computing, risk analysis, network information security, critical infrastructure information protection as well as ethics and legal aspects to IT.

BSC Information Technology Jan 2014 — Dec 2017

University of Johannesburg
This course teaches all the different aspect to software development such as Software development life cycle, Software development process, also many programming languages.


High school

I have received a meritorious mention for my academic excellence twice in consecutive years from 2012 to 2013.
As well as other awards for my participation and involvement in chess

Undergraduate Projects

2nd year Project
This was an eCommerce site to sell tech hardware. It made use of Vb/, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MS SQL for database handling.

3rd year Project
This was a web project that was a classified site to sell secondhand goods. Made use of C#/, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for the front-end. The back-end consisted of WCF which had SOAP protocol service reference for Website and the mobile made use of the REST protocol. I worked on the complete back-end as well as the full mobile solution. The mobile solution communicated to the WCF with URL requests and the WCF responded with JSON data of the retrieved from the MS SQL database. The WCF also made use of custom behaviors, Endpoint and data contracts.

Honors Projects

1) Service computing project: A game  a simple C# desktop application that made use of my own web-services with WCF consisting of  MS SQL for database and made use of custom behaviors and endpoint to help secure the channel of communication from client to back-end

2) Mobile Programming: A Gaming stats recorder made in native Android (Java) and the data was stored in the back-end which was communicated via REST implemented in a WCF with MS SQL.

3) Final Honors project
A social networking collaborative system for Software Developers that can assist them with posting open source projects and inviting members to the project. The system also helps the user manage any issues that may arise and provide them with the capability to pick the members of the team that the issues are handed to. The solution is made using C#/, HTML, CSS, Google API and the back-end was hosted on WCF which contained MS SQL database and made use of custom behaviors to help with the transmission of large files. 

Before I started my undergrad in BSc IT. I was developing a blog on WordPress using PHP, I had developed my own add-ons for the KODI media application in python and I made a hosted media viewing web page using HTML and CSS. As well as a slew of development using Ubuntu and Linux from making homemade cloud solutions to media centers.


In 2022 I was awarded 7th place by for the advice I gave to students and other like minded individuals that are aspiring to be software engineers.

Work experience

Excel@Uni June 2023 — Present

Software Engineer
I work in the Ed Tech sector with a team of developers that maintain and develop bursary management systems that cater to students who are in their tertiary education. The systems cater to a wide variety of user types including but not limited to the students, mentors for students' tutoring needs, and bursary company admins that keep track of the performances of students that have been awarded a bursary. The system has many functionalities that help analyze the data from a wide variety of groups. The system also helps with the communication in terms of the outcomes of students' results to the respected endorsers and a detailed breakdown of the student's costs associated with tuition and accommodation.

The framework, tools, technologies, principles and methodology used included, .net Framework, Entity framework, C#,  LINQ, Azure, Design patterns, Post-man, BootStrap, YAML, MSSQL, DDD, SOLID principles, Agile methodology, Rest services, Git, and Visual Studio.

Evolved Tech Stack Sept 2022 — Present

Freelance Software Engineer
Independent freelance work as a software developer.

I worked in the Edu Tech sector for a company and consulted as a software developer. I was tasked with analyzing their existing system, migrating their legacy system from their locally hosted server to the cloud, creating all new missing CI/CD pipelines, tracing existing problems in the system, and as well as creating a new solution as a successor.

Apart from the above-mentioned. I worked on native Android mobile applications and games which I have published on the Google Play Store.

The framework, tools, and technologies used included, .net Framework, .net core 5, Entity core, C#, Azure, Azure DevOps, Design patterns, Post-man, SyncFusion, Angular, YAML, MSSQL, DDD, SOLID principles, Restful services, Git, Visual Studio and Visual code.

IQ Business Oct 2022 — Mar 2023

Consulting-Software Engineer
Client: Investec
I worked on micro-services systems that cater to the private bank sector. This work was in a team that consisted of other skilled individuals that supported and maintained as well as created new systems that assisted the overall experience for the end user.

My most accomplished achievement for the role was a creation of a new back-end API that was hosted on Azure for a new product. I began by going thru existing solutions and tracing their flow in the architecture/ecosystem and manipulated the data that was sent. The API was consumed and integrated without disrupting the existing flow of the client and consultant view to display the product information as well as keep all the functionality of the sites consistent regardless of product selection.

The framework, tools, and technologies used here included, .net Framework, .net core 3.1 - 7, Entity core, C#, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, Azure DevOps, Design patterns, Post-man, Mono-repo, Angular, React, Bicep, Terraform, YAML, MSSQL, DDD, SOLID principles, Restful services, Git, Visual Studio and Visual code

Amecor July 2021 — Aug 2022

Software Development Engineer
I started by developing the company's API and from there ventured into other parts of the company's system. I worked on research projects in the company in terms of Analytics and new features/proof of concepts apart from the day-to-day overall support for the system.

This was a key role and as such, I had to quickly understand the company's business rules as well as how the company processes its data from its end users. This was achieved by looking at the company's database learning how the table relations work also learning from the management about the vision of the company. I had to also work with the hardware and what data is being received. We made use of Azure DevOps to handle work items and future iterations/features. Git was used in assisting with version control of the development of various projects. This was a team of a developer collaborating and working individually and remotely in conjunction with the hardware team on internal and external applications.

My most accomplished achievement was when I created and implemented a device tracking algorithm by manipulating and modifying existing legacy micro-services and also updating the customer portal to display the device location. This functionality helped visually present the logged information as well as calculate based on set criteria the device location accuracy and help mitigate the loss of devices and revenue.

The tech stack I used at this company was .Net framework, .Net core, MVC, Entity, JavaScript, LINQ, Angular, SQL, Postman, Git, MS SQL, and Azure DevOps.

Consolidated African Technologies Feb 2019 — June 2021

Software Developer
Client: Motla
My roles and duties were to consult and implement business requirements that are formulated.
I Implemented many features and functionality in a Utility Bill generating system.

My achievement for this system would be in terms of creating an accurate data pipeline that copied the information that was fed into the company's legacy system and translated it into the new system. This helped the company by giving them the ability to shift to the new system at any given moment also the accuracy of the data assisted with comparing/testing the systems to determine their reliability as a successor and replacement.

This includes multiple technology stacks Web (MVC,Razor,, Entity, Telerik UI, Javascript, LINQ, AJAX, J-query, MS SQL, T-SQL), Mobile (Native Android), and Web API. It is an Agile environment that made use of CI/CD.

University of Johannesburg Jan 2018 — July 2018

Student Assistant/Tutor
This was part-time work at the University of Johannesburg. In this role, I had to assist my lecturer mark undergrad
students' assignments, tests, and exams. I had to report to my lecturer about any shortcomings
This role has made me diligent and works focused.

Boost Center March 2017 — December 2017

Part-Time IT Teacher
I worked as a part-time teacher. I taught IT subjects at a private school for grades 10's and 12's.
This work experience gave me a lot of responsibilities. I gained a good work ethic, communication skills, and a better understanding of how work environments function. In this role, I had to set Exams, tests, assignments, and memos as well as report to the principal on the student's understanding. I had to meet deadlines when it came to document's and I needed to be able to clearly communicate to my colleagues and to the students to convey what I wanted to teach. I taught the students programming mostly and the theory behind it. The languages taught by me which were JAVA and Delphi.


  • Traveling
  • Coding
  • Socializing
  • Chess
  • Reading
  • PC building
  • Blogging
  • Fishing
  • Snooker


To keep current with the latest practices and my passion for gaining new knowledge on upcoming domains has led me to regularly gain new knowledge by doing certifications from the likes of UDEMY in fields such as DevOps Azure and Aws, AI, machine learning, big data natural language processing, and computer vision. Functional programming languages such as Python and UI such as Angular were also gained by me to implement solutions in the above-mentioned fields. I did this out of curiosity and to have references to look for when I need them.


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